MBS School of business
07 November 2018

L’Etudiant 2019 ranking: MBS ranks the 13th best post-preparatory class Grande Ecole of Management 2019

L’Etudiant 2019 ranking: MBS ranks the 13th best post-preparatory class Grande Ecole of Management 2019

Published on Tuesday, November 6th, the new “General ranking of the major management schools of 2019” of l’Etudiant magazine classifies the Montpellier Business School as the 13th best major post-preparatory class Management school (14th of all schools).

With 38 major schools ranked this year and despite the increasingly strong and qualitative competition, this 13th place, which is a recognition for MBS, confirms the progress made in 2018 in this national ranking.

Among the three main sub-criteria highlighted by l’Etudiant, it should be noted that MBS moved up a place in “Academic Excellence” (11th) and “International Excellence” (13th), and 2 places in “Proximity with businesses” (12th).

This place in the French Top 15 is also a confirmation of MBS’ progression in the most recent national and international rankings: 12th for Le Parisien and Challenges, 13th in France for the Financial Times and 10th for QS.

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