MBS School of business

VAE (Validation Of Acquired Experience)

THE VAE, to promote career paths and recognise the experience

THE VAE, to promote career paths and recognise the experience

The validation of acquired experience – VAE – allows you to have your professional or extra-professional knowledge recognised and to obtain a degree without necessary returning through a training phase or taking an exam. The VAE system is based on the principle that competence is worth a degree. It offers the opportunity to breathe new life into a career by promoting mobility and enhancing employability.

Montpellier Business School offers two degrees and a certification programme accessible through the VAE :


This scheme is open to all, irrespective of age, nationality, status and level of initial education. The only criterion required is: 1 year of experience in the field directly relevant to the degree in question.

An individual approach

To enhance your career paths, recognize experience throughout life and project yourself personally and professionally, the individual VAE approach gives you back control over your career.

A collective approach

To enhance your career paths, recognize experience throughout life and project yourself personally and professionally, the individual VAE approach gives you back control over your career.

Accessible degrees


Montpellier Business School offers its Grande Ecole Programme, Master degree and RNCP Level I (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles).
This program is accessible in executive education, via a specific entrance examination, and in VAE.

This degree is structured around 6 blocks of skills :

  • Defining and deploying the strategy in a given environment and scope of activity
  • Managing the financial activity of its department or entity
  • Managing a team
  • Developing and retaining its customer portfolio
  • Managing an activity, a complex project
  • Communicating effectively in a professional situation 

Minimum English level required: TOEIC (615/990)


This RNCP level II degree is structured around 6 blocks of skills :

  • Marketing skills
  • Sales force skills
  • Developing markets
  • Project management skills
  • Coordination skills and team coaching
  • Administrative and human resources management skills
This certification is linked to our Bachelor – Find out more


This RNCP Level I (FR) and Level 7 (EU), is based on 4 blocks of skills :

  • Developing and overseeing the strategy
  • Developing and overseeing the strategy
  • Bringing employees together and managing teams
  • Developing markets and partnerships

This certification is linked with our Executive MBA programme


You are an employee

The cost of your support can be covered within the framework of executive education (Training Plan….)


The programme cost is 6 000 €.

Are included in the VAE fees :

  • Application fees
  • Individualised VAE support – dedicated consultant (remote webex /Skype /direct tel/ mail)
  • Methodological accompaniment – writing experience file
  • Preparation for the VAE oral defence in front of an examination board
  • Examination board Fees

If partial validation: post jury VAE training (tariff defined at the end of the VAE jury according to the evolution of skills still to be acquired, by blended training modules (e-learning + face-to-face).

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