MBS School of business
Discover our research policy

Discover our research policy

Research policy

Our vision

The vision of the Montpellier Business School faculty is to contribute to bridging the gap between research issues, which are sometimes abstract and far from the real world, and the practical realities and challenges of the business world in general, without limiting itself to the private sector. The faculty also seeks to engage in productive dialogues with all executives, shareholders, and employees. Many faculty members are involved in consulting activities with companies and have extensive professional experience. This relationship also nurtures the teaching provided to students at Montpellier Business School.

This quest in search for meaning in all our actions is the basis of a strategy of integration of research, teaching and the business world, which benefits our students and our business partners.

Areas of research

MBS’ research activity covers all the disciplines of Management Science (finance, management, marketing, entrepreneurship, human resources, etc.) and is in line with the values of our school (ethics, openness and diversity, global performance, and responsibility). A significant part of the academic production is devoted to approaches that combine MBS’ values and business concerns. The faculty is recognised for its work on key topics related to these research issues (CSR, Diversity, Social Entrepreneurship, Microfinance, Energy and Sustainable Development, etc.).

Research contributions

The MBS faculty promotes knowledge creation through various means (academic publications, books, case studies, articles in professional journals, etc.), in addition to popularising and spreading its research work through various channels (peer-reviewed journals, written and audiovisual media, etc.).

The permanent faculty members of MBS publish more than a hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals each year. The latter are listed in the prestigious FT50 international list but also in the ABS (Association of Business Schools) and FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) lists. Over 40% of this output is published in tier-1 journals.

In addition to these contributions, our researchers play an important role in the editorial activities of academic journals and in the organisation of annual conferences such as Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) and International Finance Conference (IFC), the International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS).

Research anchored in strategic networks

The action of MBS’ permanent faculty members takes place within a framework of strategic alliances. Based on its historical relationship with the various actors of higher education in Montpellier, MBS is with SupAgro and the University of Montpellier, one of the supervisors of Labex Entreprendre, the only French “Laboratory of Excellence” dedicated to entrepreneurship that was selected in the call for projects of the Investissements d’Avenir.

Furthermore, academic collaboration in research and teaching is deployed through the network of international academic partners of MBS, including more than 180 international universities, more than half of which are AACSB, EFMD-EQUIS, EFMD-EPAS or AMBA accredited.

Recognition of the quality of our research

The quality of the research carried out by the Montpellier Business School faculty has been recognised by external bodies (rankings). For instance, in 2022, L’Etudiant ranked Montpellier Business School tied for 1st place among French business schools on the criteria of “research strength” and “impact of the school’s research”.

Each year, the Shanghai ranking list measures the research performance of higher education institutions around the world (by academic speciality). This renowned ranking considers the publications of the professors and researchers and the rankings of the scientific journals in which they appear as well as the awards the faculty gets for its research works.  In 2020, Montpellier Business School joined three of the thematic rankings. In 2022, it has registered in four rankings, with significant progress in some disciplines:

  • Business Administration: 4th nationally (+1 places).
  • Management: 3rd nationally (+12 places).
  • Economics: 3rd (+5 places)
  • Finance: Montpellier Business School joins the ranking in the 2nd place nationally (+5 places).

Also worth noting: Montpellier Business School is the first school in France on the “Category Normalized Citation Impact” criterion, i.e., the French school whose work is the most quoted in other research articles. This recognition demonstrates the relevance and impact of the work of Montpellier Business School’s faculty.

Among the 30 French business schools, MBS is the only Business School that appears in this ranking

Research organisation

Research at Montpellier Business School is carried out in 3 main types of structures:

  • Departments : These departments have research and teaching activities organised according to the traditional disciplines of management science.
  • Centres, institutes, labs and chairs: These structures also have research and teaching activities organised according to the main areas of interest of Montpellier Business School and its partners.
  • Research groups: These groups are exclusively dedicated to research and are structured around interdisciplinary themes.

Find out what makes Montpellier Business School a Grande Ecole of Management in its Research and Teaching. Whatever your profile or question, do not hesitate to contact us to find out more, suggest a collaboration and start a dialogue

Research ethics and integrity

The conduct of any research activity carried out on behalf of MBS, on its premises or using its facilities, must comply with the highest standards.
We promote a culture based on the principles of academic excellence, inclusion, honesty, openness, accountability and responsibility.
MBS recognizes its obligations to the wider research community, to research funders and to society and aims to fully comply with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
Participants in research conducted by MBS research staff can access the institution’s privacy policy here.

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