Montpellier Business School
MBS Faculty regularly publishes in prestigious peer-review journals

MBS Faculty regularly publishes in prestigious peer-review journals

Scientific works

Intellectual contributions

One of Montpellier Business School missions is to produce original and high-quality intellectual content. In order to achieve this objective, our professors-researchers focus on the publications listed in the CNRS, FNEGE, FT50 repository.

Our scientific productions are of several types and concern research (articles in peer-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, conference papers) as well as pedagogy (papers, books) or professional activities (articles, books, consulting).

Our researchers publish in prestigious journals such as (but not limited to):  

Academy of Management Perspectives; Academy of Management Review; Ecological Economics; Economic History Review; Economic Theory; Energy Journal; Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice; European Journal of Operational Research; Human Relations;  Human Resource Management; International Journal of Production Economics; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Management Studies; Journal of Marketing Research; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Journal of Service Research; Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; Management Science ; MIS Quarterly; Nature ; Operations Research; Organization; Organization Science; Production and Operations Management; Research Policy; Review of Finance; Science.


Below are some of our most recent scientific papers:

  • Shahzad S.J.H., Ferrer R. & Bouri E. Forthcoming. Systemic risk in the global energy sector: Structure, determinants and portfolio management implications. The Energy Journal.
  • Dubey R., Bryde DJ., Dwivedi YK., Graham G. & Foropon C. Impact of Artificial Intelligence-driven Big Data analytics culture on agility and resilience in humanitarian supply chain: A practice-based view. International Journal of Production Economics.
  • Baylon D. & Barros M. Forthcoming. The mutual constitution of genre and knowledge: The case of genre resistance in the French diplomatic occupational community. Organization Studies.
  • Osburg V.-S., Yoganathan V., Kunz W. & Tarba S. 2022. Can (A)I give you a ride? Development and validation of the CRUISE framework for autonomous vehicle services. Journal of Service Research, 25(4): 630-648.
  • Luffarelli J., Delre S.A. & Landgraf P. Forthcoming. How has the effect of brand personality on customer-based brand equity changed over time? Longitudinal evidence from a panel data set spanning 18 years. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [DOI: 10.1007/s11747-022-00895-2]
  • Blavatskyy P., Panchenko V. & Ortmann A. Forthcoming. How common is the common-ratio effect? Experimental Economics.
  • Stephan U., Zbierowski P., Pérez-Luño A., Wach D., Wiklund J., Alba Cabañas M., Barki E., Benzari A., Bernhard-Oettel C., Boekhorst J.A., Dash A., Efendic A., Eib C., Hanard P.-J., Iakovleva T., Kawakatsu S., Khalid S., Leatherbee M., Li J., Parker S., Qu J., Rosati F., Sahasranamam S., Sekiguchi T., Salusse M.A.Y., Thomas N., Torrès O., Tran M.H., Ward M.K., Williamson A. & Zahid, M. 2022. Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
  • Pasiouras F. & Samet A. 2022. Social capital and the cost of bank equity: Cross-country evidence. Journal of Banking and Finance, 141: 106335.
  • Belhadi A., Venkatesh M., Kamble S S. & Jabbour C J C. 2022. Building supply chain resilience and efficiency through additive manufacturing: an ambidextrous perspective on the dynamic capability view. International Journal of Production Economics, 249: 108516.
  • Chen B. & Althuizen N. How exposure to others’ ideas and ratings on online crowdsourcing platforms jointly influence subsequent idea generation performance: A socio-cognitive perspective. Journal of Production Innovation Management.
  • Aslam H., Wanke P., Roubaud D.,Khalid A., Grebinevych O., Waseem M., Jabbour C. & Jabbour B. Forthcoming. A scenario-based experimental study of buyer-supplier relationship commitment in the context of a psychological contract breach: Implications for supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics.

Montpellier Business School also participates in the organisation of academic conferences such as the IECER, the International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS).

Montpellier Business School also considers that the dissemination of the knowledge it generates is important. Our professors are therefore encouraged to publish in more general media such as Le Nouvel Observateur, The Conversation, The New Scientist…

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