Montpellier Business School
L'impact de la recherche réalisée à MBS

L'impact de la recherche réalisée à MBS

Research Impact

In line with the 2020-2025 strategy, “Making a difference”, it is important that academic contributions are disseminated and available to all, practitioners and the general public. This is why academic articles are divided into professional articles and videos to inform practitioners and general articles.

The Conversation

Montpellier Business School is a partner of The Conversation, a media aiming at sharing researchers’ voice in the public debate. Researchers’ expertise can therefore be shared with the general public and since The Conversation articles are free of rights, they can also be published by other media, allowing a wider audience.

In 2022-2023, MBS is organizing a series of conferences open to everyone on the theme of social and ecological prosperity.

  • The first seminar was held on the 30th of November and was entitled “The logic of managing ecological and inclusive prosperity”. During that seminar, in addition to MBS researchers, we welcomed the expertise of Noé de Bonnaventure (Veolia France) and Caroline Catalan (Nicollin).
  • The second seminar will be held on the 30th of March and will be on the Care Management.

Our researchers have also published in The Conversation. Below are some recent examples:

06/02/2023 – Thomas Simon: L’ennui au travail est-il tabou ?

08/11/2022 – Thomas Simon : Sortir du blasement en entreprise : les leçons du graphiste polonais Roman Cieslewicz

11/10/2022 – Audrey Rouyre : La coopétition, voie incontournable de la réussite spatiale française et européenne

20/04/2022 – Jinia Mukerjee : Le soutien familial, un vecteur essentiel de bien-être chez les entrepreneurs

14/04/2022 – Dante Leyva and Carlos Sanchez : Les entreprises accordent une attention variable aux différents objectifs de développement durable

06/04/2022 – Carlos Sanchez, Audrey Portes, Steffie Gallin : La fin des « cookies tiers » ne répond pas au besoin de contrôle des internautes sur leurs données

04/04/2022 – Audrey Portes : La transparence digitale peut parfois attiser la méfiance des consommateurs

16/03/2022 – Rustam Romaniuc : Comment faire pour inciter les jeunes à voter ?

23/01/2022 – Philippe Villemus : Présidentielle : quels effets les sondages auront-ils sur les résultats ?

21/12/2021 – Audrey Missonier : Reconsidérer les fusions d’entreprises grâce à la pensée d’Edgar Morin

13/12/2021 – Juliette Senn : Doctorat : les grandes transformations de la thèse en management ?


Montpellier Business School is also a founding member of FNEGE Médias, a collaborative platform launched by FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises). This platform aims to become the first French-speaking site of labelled videos on management research and teaching.

Videos from Montpellier Business School presenting a key management concept, available on the FNEGE Media website:

Montpellier Business School videos are available on the FNEGE Media website:

  • Yves Barlette – Les outils Analytiques du Big Data (BDA) : développer l’agilité en environnement turbulent.
  • Hind Benbya – Innovativeness outcomes of employee participation in crowdsourcing communities.
  • Moez Bennouri – Les femmes dans le CA et performance de l’entreprise (Women in Boards of Directors and firms performance).
  • Maryline Bourdil – Entrepreneuriat et prison (Entrepreneurship and prison).
  • Franck Celhay – Sous quelles conditions peut on sortir des codes visuels de l’étiquette de vin ? (Under what conditions can we break away from the visual codes of the wine label?).
  • Helen Etchanchu – How is power justified and sustained in modern business-society relations?
  • Stéphanie Feiereisen –  Les pratiques de consommation de séries télévisées des jeunes adultes à l’ère du numérique (Tv series consumption practices o Young adults in the digital era).
  • Cyril Foropon – L’amélioration des processus au sein des organisations non gouvernementales humanitaires (Process improvement in humanitarian non-governmental organizations).
  • Cyril Foropon – Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: a study of manufacturing organisations
  • Calin Gurau – Studying the elements and the organization of environmentally-driven community projects.
  • Hoang Hillard Thi Hong Van – Do crises impact capital structure? A study of French micro-enterprises.
  • Anis Khedhaouria – Culture d’entreprise et performance des PMEs: le rôle médiateur de l’orientation entrepreneuriale
  • Ewa Lombard – Do Wealth Managers Understand Codes of Conduct and Their Ethical Dilemmas?
  • Jonathan Luffarelli – Financement participatif : comment le design des logos peut influencer la perception des investisseurs?
  • Magalie Marais – Comment maintenir durablement un engagement responsable fort au milieu de pressions contradictoires (How to maintain a strong responsible commitment in the midst of contradictory pressures).
  • Jinia Mukerjee – Is family support good for work family balance and subjective well-being of small business owners
  • Wael Rouatbi – The role of multiple large shareholders in the choice of debt source


Our faculty members are also involved in coaching or consulting activities with companies or professional sectors (e.g., on the performance of the AMEPI scheme in the real estate sector). Some also sit on boards of directors (of microfinance structures, for instance). Many are also involved in Executive Education, designed to help tomorrow’s leaders meet current and future challenges in developing the performance of both organizations and people.

When the Covid-19 health crisis hit France, Montpellier Business School sought to mobilize its expertise to benefit as many people as possible. Each of our experts thus adopted a different angle to address the following question:

Covid crisis: How can change be managed both efficiently and humanely?

The resulting document followed a series of videos made by our experts to help SMEs respond practically and effectively to the crisis.

Please fill out the form below to download our document on the subject (sent via your email address):

When the Covid-19 health crisis hit France, Montpellier Business School sought to mobilize its expertise to benefit as many people as possible. Each of our experts thus adopted a different angle to address the following question:

Covid crisis: How can change be managed both efficiently and humanely?

The resulting document followed a series of videos made by our experts to help SMEs respond practically and effectively to the crisis.

Please fill out the form below to download our document on the subject (sent via your email address):

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Our faculty members also regularly publish in mainstream newspapers such as The Conversation (of which Montpellier Business School is a partner), La Tribune, Le Nouvel Observateur, Forbes France, etc. You can find some examples of these articles below (maintly in French).

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