As a Grande Ecole of Management founded in 1897 by the Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry, MBS is built on two major foundations: academic excellence and an unwavering commitment to the core values of ethics, openness, diversity, responsibility and global performance.
Today more than ever, MBS stands out for its strong convictions: we believe that diversity in all its forms is a richness and a strength for society as well as for businesses. We are strongly convinced that the sustainable success of any company depends on its economic, social and environmental performance.
We believe in an inclusive world where all talents can express their full potential regardless of social, cultural or geographical background, gender or sexual orientation. We believe that being part of this diverse community is a source of strength for each of its members. This is why MBS brings together students from all social classes and from nearly 80 countries.
We believe that the greatest challenge for companies will be the sustainable, socially responsible and eco-responsible transformation of their strategy. This is why CSR and sustainable development issues are at the heart of our research activities and are covered in all of our programmes. This unique approach focuses on training managers and entrepreneurs with the ability to steer the financial, social, societal and environmental performance of their company.
When you choose MBS, you decide to become a socially responsible manager in a fast-changing world.
Bruno Ducasse
Dean of MBS School of Business
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