Montpellier Business School
Our research activities cover all the traditional fields

Our research activities cover all the traditional fields

Research at MBS


Montpellier Business School is furthering a dynamic research policy which has resulted in a constant effort to recruit leading researchers at national and international level.

This can be seen through the number of publications in peer-reviewed journals referenced in national (FNEGE) and international (ABS and FT50) rankings (~800 titles). Our faculty members have published in peer-reviewed journals such as (but not limited to):

Academy of Management Perspectives; Academy of Management Review; Ecological Economics; Economic History Review; Economic Theory; Energy Journal; Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice; European Journal of Operational Research; Human Relations;  Human Resource Management; International Journal of Production Economics; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Management Studies; Journal of Marketing Research; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Journal of Service Research; Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; Management Science ; MIS Quarterly; Nature ; Operations Research; Organization; Organization Science; Production and Operations Management; Research Policy; Review of Finance; Science.

Our research activities cover all traditional areas of management research. Research activities are based on the work of permanent Faculty members. Montpellier Business School’s academics are also part of the LabEx Entreprendre. This LabEx is the only laboratory specialised on this topic in France, within the framework of the call for projects of the “Investments for the Future”.

Our researchers play an important role in the organisation of annual conferences such as the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) and the International Finance Conference (IFC), the International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS).

The quality of our Faculty is also shown through various positions on editorial boards or in international academic associations. Dr Rameshwar Dubey for instance was appointed in 2019, senior associate editor of International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management; Dr Cyril Foropon joined end of 2020, the editorial board of the International Journal of Information Management; Dr Paul Chiambaretto is a senior editor of M@n@gement, Dr Frank Lasch acts as consulting editor for International Small Business Journal.

Montpellier Business School organises three types of research seminars: methodology, working papers presentations and presentations from non-MBS academics. 

Strategic Partnerships

Montpellier Business School is developing a dynamic partnership policy in the field of teaching and research, reflected in numerous cooperation agreements with regional and national universities and Grandes Ecoles, as well as prestigious international partnerships.

Research Laboratory

LabEx Entreprendre​

Montpellier Business School is a member of the LabEx Entreprendre, the only “Laboratory of Excellence” dedicated to entrepreneurship in France, together with the University of Montpellier and Montpellier SupAgro.

Scientific Committee

Role of the Committee

The Scientific Committee aims to:
– Provide advice to all MBS bodies on the scientific orientations of the school.
– Propose orientations to the Dean, in terms of research strategy and associated objectives;
– Provide recommendations after the annual assessment;
– Advise the institution on its research and teaching policies;
– Promote research results and teaching programs;
– Promote the development of links and cooperation with international institutions.
The committee meets once or twice per year to reach these goals

Committee’s composition

The scientific committee comprises about 20 members:
– Internal members : Jonathan Luffarelli, Mélanie Ouvry, Elsa Kassardjian, Domenico Dentoni, Johanna Gast, Cyril Foropon, Frank Lasch, Anastasia Cozarenco, Fotios Pasiouras, Vân Thi Hong Hoang Hillard, Paul Chiambaretto, Stéphanie Feiereisen, Pavlo Blavatskyy, Yi-Ting Chen, Jinia Mukerjee.
– External members :
o National (Montpellier University) : Frédéric Le Roy, Patrick Sentis, Pierre Batteau
o International: Thomas Dean, Hermann Frank, Iftekhar Hasan, Steven Ongena, Ariane Szafarz

Presentation of the international members

Thomas Dean

Current position: Professor of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Enterprise, College of Business, Colorado State, University, USA

Research interests: Sustainable and environmental entrepreneurship, business strategies and economic opportunities present in emerging social and environmental trends.

More information: He has published over sixty manuscripts and book chapters including articles in journals such as Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Management, and Journal of Business Venturing.  Google Scholar lists Professor Dean as having over 4,500 citations of his work.

Find out more about Professor Dean from this link.

Hermann Frank 

Current position: Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Research interests: SME development, Family business, Entrepreneurship and new venture creation, Corporate entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship

More information: He is associate editor of the Journal of Small Business Management and member of the editorial boards of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development and the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

Find out more about Professor Hasan from this link.

Iftekhar Hasan

Current position: Professor of Finance and Corrigan Chair in International Business and Finance, Fordham University

Research interests: Financial institutions, corporate finance, capital markets and emerging economies.

More information: Professor Hasan has more than 325 publications in print, including 16 books and edited volumes, and more than 225 peer-reviewed articles in finance, economics, accounting, and management journals such as JFE, JFQA, JoB, JME, RoF, JFI, JMCB, JCF, FM, JEF, JIMF, JBF, SMJ, HRM, BJM, RP, JAR, CAR, JAPP, JAAF, MS, EJOR, and JMIS.

Find out more about Professor Hasan from this link.

Steven Ongena

Current position: Professor of banking , Department of Banking and Finance, University of Zurich

Research interests: Professor Ongena is focusing on the functioning of banks and their relationship with the economy from various angles.

More information: Professor Ongena is currently a co-editor of Economic Inquiry, the International Journal of Central Banking, the International Review of Finance and the Journal of Financial Services Research, and an associate editor of the Journal of Financial Stability, Economic Notes, the Asian Review of Financial Research, and the Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions.

Find out more about Professor Ongena from this link.

Ariane Szafarz

Current position: Professor of Finance, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Research interests: Microfinance (mission drift, governance issues), financial econometrics, international finance, epistemology of probability, and job market discrimination.

More information: She has published several books and scientific articles in Econometric Theory, European Economic Review, Journal of Fixed Income, Journal of Empirical Finance, etc.

Find out more about Professor Szafarz from this link.

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