MBS School of business
Social & Sustainable Finance Chair – News & Ressources

Social & Sustainable Finance Chair – News & Ressources


  • February 2022

Dr Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the Chair, obtained the certificate CFA ESG Investing on the 15th February 2022. For more details, click here.   


  • Février 2022

Dr Samuel Anokye Nyarko, a member of the Social & Sustainable Finance chair of Montpellier Business School, publishes a research article in International Business Review. For more information, click here.


  • February 2022

The 2nd research seminar of the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair of Montpellier Business School took place on Thursday February 17, 2022 with a presentation by Dr. Romain BERROU, researcher in sustainable finance at Square Management, on the theme of aligning portfolios with climatic trajectories. To find the video recording of the seminar, click on this  link. To access the presentation slides, click on this  link.


  • February 2022

Dr. Jawad Shahzad, a member of the Social & Sustainable Finance chair of Montpellier Business School, is Guest-Editor for a special issue in Frontiers Research Topics on “Climate Risk, ESG Integration, and Economic Growth”. The deadline to submit a research proposal to this special issue is: 15 April 2022.

  • January 2022:

Dr. Thi Hong Van HOANG, co-holder of the Chair, presented the research work of the Chair to the association Acteurs de la Finance Responsable on January 7, 2022. Click here for more information.

  • September 2021 :

September 2021 : To watch the 2nd Afterwork of the MBS Community in Social & Sustainable Finance, click on the links below:

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3a3baYJY6G4VCGrp5vsZzUG-fjzy9bP/view?usp=sharing

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zEveg74HcMwmRGw2rrL7ggfQ4vtAPYas/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100876823395525436208&rtpof=true&sd=true

  • September 2021 :

The 2nd Afterwork of the MBS Community in Social & Sustainable Finance will take place on 28 September, from 7pm to 8pm, with the presentation of Milton ARCE, graduated from the Master Program of Montpellier Business School in 2019. He will talk about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations in 2015. The title of his presentation is : « How do UN’s SDGs contribute to a sustainable world? ». To register, click on this link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/2ndafterwork-miltonarce-sustain6841381903178719232/

  • September 2021 :

Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the chair, made a video interview with the team « Bouge ta finance » to talk about sustainable finance and ESG data. To watch the video (in French), click on this link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bouge-ta-finance_business-instagram-financement-activity-6836915938479239168-yMvQ

  • June 2021 :

To watch the 1st Webinar presented by Romina SMITH, MBS 2019 graduate, on the theme “How can finance make positive social impacts ? A Peruvian example ”, please click on the link below and enter the password VdcW48NN

The slides of the presentation are available with this link:
MBS Community in Social Sustainable Finance – 1st Afterwork.pptx – Google Slides

  • May 2021 :

The 1st Afterwork of the MBS Community in Social and Sustainable Finance will take place on 24 June 2021 from 7pm to 8pm (French time) with the presentation of Romina SMITH, Graduate from the MSc Finance Program of Montpellier Business School in 2018. She will talk about microfinance in Peru. The title of her presentation is: “How can finance make positive social impacts? A Peruvian example”. To register, please click on the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/events/1stafterwork-howcanfinancemakep6803226062122688512/

  • May 2021 :

To watch the 1st Webinar presented by Jean-Baptiste MONTIEL, MBS 2013 graduate and Data Steward at Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, on the theme “Les données ESG dans la finance durable”, please click on the link below and enter the password Viq5eQPY

The slides of the presentation are available with this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1psTRPi8Dgy7xqK_rY2FNySBoaBTW1jtL/view?usp=sharing

  • April 2021 :

From the 2021-2022 academic year, the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair collaborates with the Master Program to coordinate and lead a new specialization in Sustainable Finance. This “Sustainable Finance” certificate will be open to students in the 3rd year of the Master program and will allow students to prepare themselves, in an operational manner, for different professions in Sustainable Finance.

  • April 2021:

Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the Chair, contributes to an article written by Jeff Cossette in IR Magazine on “Research roundup: Communicating in times of Covid-19”. The link to the article: https://www.irmagazine.com/covid-19/research-roundup-communicating-times-covid-19

  • April 2021:

Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the Chair, monitors a round table on « Financer son entreprise : Elles l’ont fait », organized by La Mêlée. The link to the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45eMMGHiim8

  • April 2021:

In April 2021, the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair organizes its 1st webinar on the theme “ESG data in sustainable finance”, presented by Jean-Baptiste MONTIEL, MBS graduate in 2013, Data Steward at Groupe Caisse des Dépôts. To register for this Webinar, click on this link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/1erwebinar-chairefinancesociale6777507913465380865/

  • March 2021:

Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the Chair, contributes to an article on Diplomeo which the title is: « Travailler en Banque : Tout savoir sur les Métiers de la Finance ». The link to the article: https://diplomeo.com/actualite-travailler_dans_finance_banque

  • March 2021:

In March 2021, the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair created the MBS Community in Social & Sustainable Finance, the objective of this community is to bring together students and graduates of Montpellier Business School in Social & Sustainable Finance. To join the community, click on this link: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9033599/

  • March 2021:

Dr. Thi Hong Van HOANG, coholder of the Chair, is the guest editor of a special issue in Journal of Risk and Financial Management on the theme “Advances in Sustainable Finance”. The deadline for submitting articles is December 31, 2021. For more information, click on this link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jrfm/special_issues/Advances_Sustainable_Finance

  • March 2021:

Chair member Dr. Syed Jawad Hussain SHAHZAD is the guest editor of a special issue in Frontiers in Environmental Science on the topic “Green Finance, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy, and Covid-19”. The deadline for submitting articles is July 1, 2021. For more information, click on this link: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/15687/green-finance-renewable-and-non-renewable-energy-and-covid-19

Since February 2021, the Social & Sustainable Finance chair has been a member of the European Microfinance Network (EMN). The EMN is a member-based not-for-profit organization based in Brussels, which promotes microfinance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion in Europe through self-employment and the creation of microenterprises. It is the network’s mission to facilitate capacity building and to advocate on behalf of the sector.

Since January 2021, the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair has been a member of the French Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (French SIF) in the Consulting and Research college. Created in 2001, the French SIF is an association whose purpose is to promote and develop responsible investment and its best practices. It brings together investors, fund managers, specialists in social and environmental analysis, consultants as well as unions, NGOs, academics… The Chair’s membership in this association confirms our desire to promote social finance and sustainable finance through partnerships with different stakeholders in the sustainable finance ecosystem.

Thi Hong Van HOANG, co-chairholder, commits to responsible finance by becoming an ambassador member of the Acteurs de la Finance Responsable association. For more information, please see this link: http://afresponsable.com/work/thi-hong-van-hoang/

The Social & Sustainable Finance Chair recruited in October 2020 Dr. Samuel Anokye Nyarko as a post-doctoral student for the research axis on microfinance and social banking. Samuel Anokye Nyarko holds a Ph.D. in International Business from the School of Business and Law of the University of Agder, and a Ph.D. in economics and management from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He has taught several Master and Bachelor courses at the University of Agder, Norway, and at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana. Previously, he also worked as Deputy Coordinator of Educational Pathways International (EPI), Ghana.

Coverage of the launch of the Chair in the media:

Presentations in upcoming conferences

Hoang T., Segbotangni E.A. & Lahiani A. 2021. ESG performance and Covid-19 pandemic: An empirical analysis of European firms. 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and DigitalizationMarch 25, University of Zurich and University of Geneva, Switzerland, Link.

Useful links


Dr Anastasia Cozarenco, Chair holder

Dr Thi Hong Van Hoang, Chair holder

Email: Social-Sustainable-Finance-Chair-MBS@montpellier-bs.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/social-sustainable-finance-chair-mbs

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