MBS School of business
Social & Sustainable Finance Chair – Partners

Social & Sustainable Finance Chair – Partners


Created in 1818, the Caisses d´Epargne are cooperative banks owned by their member customers. The Caisses d´Epargne are banks firmly rooted in their territories and whose mission is to direct the savings placed by customers towards the financing of responsible projects and companies. The corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the Caisses d’Epargne in general, and of the Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) in particular, is a concrete commitment to businesses, local economy, regional development, professionals, individuals, as well as societal and technological innovation, to promote sustainable development. It is in this spirit that the CELR has been working with the Microfinance in Developed Countries Chair since 2018. As part of the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair, the funding provided by the CELR enables us to develop teaching and research projects, and events to promote social and sustainable finance.

The BNP Paribas group is the result of successive mergers of several banks, created during the industrial boom, at the beginning of the 19th century. From the outset, these institutions have had the mission of financing the economy and serving their customers throughout the world. A historical “raison d’être” that has been affirmed over the last two centuries. BNP Paribas was officially born on May 23, 2000, from the merger between BNP, the leading French deposit bank, and Paribas, an international investment bank. But its characteristics and values have been forged, transmitted, and acquired over 200 years of history marked by developments, transformations, and challenges, two centuries of a bank at the service of the global economy. As part of the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair, the funding provided by BNP Paribas allows us to develop teaching, research, and event organization projects to promote social and sustainable finance.

Membership of the Chair to associations

Created in 2001, the FIR is a multi-stakeholder association whose corporate purpose is to promote and develop responsible investment and its best practices. It brings together investors, fund managers, specialists in social and environmental analysis, consultants as well as unions, NGOs, academics …

The European Microfinance Network (EMN) is a member-based not-for-profit organization based in Brussels, which promotes microfinance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion in Europe through self-employment and the creation of microenterprises. It is the network’s mission to facilitate capacity building and to advocate on behalf of the sector.

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