MBS School of business


Position Associate Professor
Academic department Finance & Accounting
Contact a.cozarenco@montpellier-bs.com
Selected intellectual contributions

BENNOURI, M., A. COZARENCO, S. A. NYARKO, "Women on boards and performance trade-offs in social enterprises: Insights from microfinance.", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024, vol. 190, no. March 2024, pp. 165-198

CORNÉE, S., A. COZARENCO, A. SZAFARZ - "The changing role of banks in the financial system: Social versus conventional banks" - 2023, Pelgrave Macmillan, Cham

COZARENCO, A., V. HARTARSKA, A. SZAFARZ, "Subsidies to microfinance institutions: How do they affect cost efficiency and mission drift?", Applied Economics, July 2022, vol. 54, no. 22, pp. 5099-5132

BOURLÈS, R., A. COZARENCO, D. HENRIET, X. JOUTARD, "Business training with a better informed lender: Theory and evidence from microcredit in France.", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, December 2022, vol. 148, no. December 2022, pp. 65-108

COZARENCO, A., A. SZAFARZ - "Financial inclusion in developed countries: Gender gap or poverty trap?" - 2022, Cheltenham, London

COZARENCO, A., A. SZARFARZ, "The regulation of prosocial lending: Are loan ceilings effective?", Journal of Banking and Finance, October 2020, vol. 121, no. 105979, pp. /

COZARENCO, A., A. SZARFARZ, "Microcrédit : même bien intentionnée, la réglementation peut éloigner des objectifs sociaux.", The Conversation, November 2020, vol. November, no. 2020

COZARENCO, A., A. SZAFARZ - "Microfinance in the North: Where do we stand?" - 2020, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham

BOURLÈS, R., A. COZARENCO, "Entrepreneurial motivation and business performance: Evidence from a French microfinance institution.", Small Business Economics, November 2018, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 943-963

COZARENCO, A., A. SZARFARZ, "Gender biases in bank lending: lessons from microcredit in France.", Journal of Business Ethics, November 2018, vol. 147, no. 3, pp. 619-629

Research themes

Finance, Economics, Business ethics, Entrepreneurship

Teaching disciplines

Finance, Economy

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