Montpellier Business School

NYARKO Samuel Anokye

Position Assistant Professor
Academic department Finance & Accounting
Short Bio

Samuel Anokye Nyarko is an Assistant Professor at the Montpellier Business School. Samuel holds a Ph.D. in International Business from the School of Business and Law of the University of Agder, and a Ph.D. in Economics and Management from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles. He is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana. Samuel's areas of teaching and research encompass sustainable and inclusive finance, entrepreneurial finance, gender diversity, and corporate governance. He is a member of the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi) in Belgium ( and the Center for Research on Social Enterprises and Microfinance (CERSEM) in Norway ( His scholarly contributions have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Strategic Change, and Technology in Society.

Selected intellectual contributions

BENNOURI, M., A. COZARENCO, S. A. NYARKO, "Women on boards and performance trade-offs in social enterprises: Insights from microfinance.", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024, vol. 190, no. March 2024, pp. 165-198

DJAN, K. O., S. A. NYARKO, R. MERSLAND, L. A. BEISLAND, L. NAKATO, "Influence of international ownership on the performance of local social enterprises: Evidence from the global microfinance industry.", Strategic Change, December 2023, vol. 32, no. 2-3, pp. 53-71

NYARKO, S. A., "Gender discrimination and lending to women: The moderating effect of an international founder.", International Business Review, August 2022, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 101973

NAATU, F., S. A. NYARKO, Z. H. MUNIM, I. ALON, R. E. HINSON, "Crowd-out effect on consumers attitude towards Corporate Social Responsibility communication.", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, April 2022, vol. 177, no. April 2022, pp. 121544

MERSLAND, R., S. A. NYARKO, A. B. SIRISENA, "A hybrid approach to international market selection: The case of impact investing organizations.", International Business Review, February 2020, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 101624

MERSLAND, R., S. A. NYARKO, A. SZAFARZ, "Do social enterprises walk the talk? Assessing microfinance performances with mission statements.", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, June 2019, vol. 11, no. June 2019, pp. e00117

SERWAAH, P., R. SHNEOR, S. NYARKO, K. R. NIELSEN , "Explaining gender differences in crowdfunding contribution intentions" Forthcoming Technology in Society

BAAH-PEPRAH, P., S. A. NYARKO, B.-T. FLATEN, F. NAATU, P. SERWAAH, "Trust in Government, Electronic Taxation, and the Adoption of Fintech",

Teaching disciplines


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