Montpellier Business School and Sage sign a Major Partnership
On Tuesday the 6th of November, Pierre Farouz, HR manager for Sage Southern Europe and Didier Grino, Secretary-General of Montpellier Business School, signed a partnership agreement marking the merger of the two institutions around an important sharing of common values and a broader collaboration in the recruitment of students and recent graduates. Sage, the international leader in software publishing, has become the 49th major historical business partner of Montpellier Business School.
A partnership based on shared values and students’ employability
This partnership primarily reflects our ambition to share common values: diversity and equal opportunities. It also reflects a desire to extend an already strong collaboration by the recruitment of MBS students and graduates through privileged access to internships, apprenticeship contracts and jobs within Sage.
Matthias Bauland, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Development at Montpellier Business School, states: “At Montpellier Business School, the employability of our students and graduates is our first priority through our academic excellence, the depth of our social footprint and our strong international focus. We are seeking to naturally surround ourselves with companies that adhere to this ambition and share our values. Our partnership with Sage is exemplary in this area: the promotion of diversity and equal opportunities is one of our major concerns. Beyond what we can set up together in the fields of recruitment and Executive Education, we would like to work together on projects with a strong social impact.”
Founded in 1981, Sage, which has today more than 13,000 employees in 23 countries and 3 million customers worldwide, aims to boost the success of businesses and their communities through innovative software solutions as well as the expertise and creativity of its employees.
In order to enable its students to discover and access the wide range of professions offered by its 49th major partner, Montpellier Business School and Sage took advantage of this partnership to set up a first promotional action on the campus of the Grande Ecole of Management of Montpellier. Thus, on Tuesday, the 6th of November, a conference by Pierre Farouz on the theme “Digital revolution and business transformation” preceded an “exchange and recruitment” meeting with Sage’s HR teams.
Pierre Farouz, HR manager at Sage Southern Europe, explains: “This partnership with Montpellier Business School is part of a broader approach of Sage’s CSR. All of our actions, whether economic, human or societal, are all constituent elements of our brand’s DNA. At Sage, we believe that all of our daily postures and behaviours must be part of a process of mutual aid and solidarity. That is why we are particularly committed today with Montpellier Business School in order to promote and develop learning and thus contribute to equal opportunities”.
By signing this major partnership agreement, Sage is also joining the Advisory Board of Montpellier Business School, a structure that monitors business developments and advises the Grande Ecole of Management on its global strategy and international development.