Montpellier Business School
09 April 2021

MBS is awarded AACSB accreditation again for the maximum duration of 5 years

MBS is awarded AACSB accreditation again for the maximum duration of 5 years

MBS has again obtained the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation for a maximum of 5 years. This international distinction is a recognized guarantee of excellence. It is held by only 25 schools in France. The school thus confirms its membership of the prestigious circle of the 1% of business schools in the world that are triple accredited (AACSB, EQUIS*, AMBA**).


International recognition of diplomas

AACSB accredits universities and Grandes Ecoles worldwide according to rigorous standards that evaluate the school’s governance and strategy, the impact of its research and the quality of its teaching staff, and the relevance of its training programmes to business needs.

The audit also highlights the school’s commitment to society and its impact. The AACSB auditors thus recommended

– the very strong impact of MBS’s investment in social inclusion (scholarships, solidarity funds, apprenticeship programmes) and its contribution to the quality and diversity of its student body

– the relevance and ambition of its 2020-2025 strategic project and the support and commitment of all the school’s stakeholders in its construction

– the quality of the school’s response to the health crisis, with pedagogical continuity and a transition to co-modal teaching.

“MBS is proud to be re-accredited for the maximum possible duration. It is a mark of the confidence of the auditors in our strategy to take MBS even higher, by relying on the values that make our Grande Ecole attractive and our identity”, says André Deljarry, President of Montpellier Business School.

For all MBS stakeholders, the AACSB re-accreditation confirms the international recognition of its degrees and attests to the academic and pedagogical standards of the institution in order to continue to attract the best researchers, teachers and students.

The accreditation applies to all MBS programmes delivered on the Montpellier campus: Bachelor (BAC+3), Grande Ecole Programme (BAC+5), Masters of Science (BAC+5), Executive MBA and DBA programmes.

Accreditations, labels and charters

In addition to the triple crown, the school holds several labels that validate its commitment to society. MBS was the first management school to obtain the Diversity Label (AFNOR) in 2009 and the only major management school to hold both the Diversity and Gender Equality Labels since 2017. MBS has also received the status of EESPIG from the French State, which validates the school’s non-profit activities.

MBS has also signed various charters such as the United Nations Global Compact for Human Rights, Labour Rights, the Environment and the Fight against Corruption; the Charter for Diversity in Business; the Autre Cercle’s LGBT Charter for an Inclusive Environment; and the United Nations PRME.


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