MBS School of business
05 July 2018

Jason, MSc graduate, was awarded with the Innovative and Responsible Business Prize of the MBS foundation for equal opportunities

Jason, MSc graduate, was awarded with the Innovative and Responsible Business Prize of the MBS foundation for equal opportunities

For this 11th edition, the Innovative and Responsible Business prize of the MBS Foundation for Equal Opportunities was won by Jason Moses, a recent graduate of the Master of Science International Business programme, for his project of creating an application comparing the impact of international solidarity projects : PEOPLE TAPP.

Under the aegis of the Foundation of France, the Montpellier Business School Foundation for Equal Opportunities, which follows on form the MBS social policy, intervenes every year in the financing of excellence scholarships, international excellence scholarships and “Apptitude” scholarships for MBS apprenticeship students. The Innovative and Responsible Buinsess Prize is less well known but is still making a difference in MBS young entrepreneurs or recent graduates’ live. Worth € 10,000, this prize rewards an innovative business creation project in line with the MBS Foundation‘s global responsibility values.

Thus, during the Executive Committee meeting on June 1st, 5 preselected projects (among 12 proposed) were presented to the jury. The latter took its decision according to 3 essential criteria: the solidarity values included in the project, the innovative aspect and the financial viability.

Even though the 4 other projects presented were also of high quality, the lucky winner of the 2018 edition was Jason Moses, an architect by training and graduate of MSc International Business last March. After working for several years with NGOs in the development of public housing projects (hospitals, schools, orphanages) in disadvantaged areas of Africa, Jason has matured his new project during his year at Montpellier Business School : an application allowing project owners who are involved in community programmes to simply and easily measure the impact of their project on local community. PEOPLE TAPP will guide users with social, environmental and economic indicators. Investors will be able to filter and compare different projects, finance the best ones and create motivation to improve the quality in terms of the impact of each project.

“My dream is to prove that a collective of locals working together with their own resources can generate more sustainable social impact than the best solidarity project driven by people from outside the local community,” says Jason Moses. “We now have a tool, People Tapp, to demonstrate this and change the way we approach global development. I am deeply honoured to receive this noble award and would like to thank each and every member of the Foundation’s Executive Committee for their consideration”.

The Montpellier Business School Foundation for Equal Opportunities wishes Jason Moses good luck for the future and of course remains at his side in this great adventure that is entrepreneurship.

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