Position | Assistant Professor |
Academic department | Marketing, Sales, & Branding |
Contact | a.portes@montpellier-bs.com |
SANCHEZ, C. R., S. GALLIN, A. PORTES - "Using the Multivariate General Linear Model (MANOVA) in SPSS to Identify the Main and Interaction Effects of a Product Description Created by a Human Being Versus Artificial Intelligence" - 2024, SAGE Publications Inc.
PORTES, A. - "Interview vidéo pour Les Echos Start "Décryptage de la stratégie marketing de Cédric Grolet"" - 2024, Montpellier, France
CHAIZE, E., J. BOYSSELLE, A. PORTES, M. MERDJI, "L'influence de la Sémiotique dans l'environnement B2B : Transformer l'image de marque pour conquérir de nouveaux clients", EcoTimes,., February 2024, vol. February, no. 2024, pp. //
CELHAY, F., A. PORTES, A. MISSONIER - "Is Basketball a Fight or an Art? Metaphorical Brand Names and Differentiation Strategies in the NBA" - 2024, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, San Diego, United States of America
GALLIN, S., A. PORTES, "Online shopping: how can algorithm performance expectancy enhance impulse buying?", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, November 2024, vol. 81, no. November 2024, pp. 103988
CHIAMBARETTO, P., C. CAMILLE BILDSTEIN, S. LAURENT, A. ROUYRE, A. PORTES, J. LUFFARELLI, P. ALESSANDRA, H. HERVÉ CHAPPERT, M. MARIE BOVIS, T. JUSTY, A.-S. FERNANDEZ, "Digitalisation du transport aérien : Pourquoi plus de 35% des passagers français y sont réticents ?", Airways, July 2024, vol. July, no. 2024, pp. /
CHIAMBARETTO, P., C. BILDSTEIN, S. LAURENT, A. ROUYRE, A. PORTES, J. LUFFARELLI, P. ALESSANDRA, H. CHAPPERT, M. MARIE BOVIS, T. JUSTY, A.-S. FERNANDEZ, "Smart airport : l’aéroport du futur devra allier digitalisation et forte présence humaine", Aéroport Le Mag, September 2024, vol. Septembre, no. 2024, pp. /
CELHAY, F., A. PORTES - "A new logo for the Brooklyn Nets? Delving into the semiotics of NBA logos" - 2024, Sage Business Case, London, Great Britain
CAROLINE LANCELOT MILTGEN, C., A. PORTES, P. NORBERG, A.-S. ANNE-SOPHIE CASES - "To Give or Give Up: The Role of Learned Helplessness in Privacy Protection Behavior." - 2023, American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, United States of America
SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., A. PORTES, S. GALLIN, "La fin des "cookies tiers" ne répond pas au besoin de contrôle des internautes sur leurs données.", The Conversation, April 2022, vol. April, no. 7, pp. /