Position | Associate Professor |
Academic department | Strategy & Entrepreneurship |
Contact | a.missonier@Montpellier-BS.com |
MISSONIER, A., F. CELHAY - "Transmissions d’entreprises familiales et évolution des représentations genrées dans la presse" - 2025, Rennes, France
MISSONIER, A., C. CONSTANTINIDIS, I. OUMAROU HAROU - "From Father to Daughter: How to Achieve Successful Succession in a Family Business. The Case Center." - 2024, /
CELHAY, F., A. PORTES, A. MISSONIER - "Is Basketball a Fight or an Art? Metaphorical Brand Names and Differentiation Strategies in the NBA" - 2024, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, San Diego, United States of America
MISSONIER, A., C. CONSTANTINIDIS , F. CELHAY - "A Game of Thrones? An Examination of Family Business Metaphors in the French Business Press and Their Implications for Gender Equality" - 2024, oregon, United States of America
MISSONIER, A., C. CONSTANTINIDIS , F. CELHAY - "A Game of Thrones? An Examination of Family Business Metaphors in the French Business Press and Their Implications for Gender Equality. FERC - Family Enterprise Research Conference" - 2024, Portland, United States of America
MISSONIER, A., K. KAMEI, B. DESCHAMPS - "The succession of a Japanese family business: Father-daughter-granddaughter relationships, legacy and legitimacy" - 2024, Sage Business Case, London, Great Britain
MARAIS, M., A. MISSONIER - "Intrasense : évolution du Business Model d'une PME pour répondre à l'imagerie médicale du futur. Centrale des Cas et des Medias Pédagogiques (CCMP)" - 2019
MISSONIER, A., "Reconsidérer les fusions d’entreprises grâce à la pensée d’Edgar Morin.", The Conversation, December 2021, no. 2023-12-21
MISSONIER, A., F. LASCH, S. MISSONIER, A. S. THELISSON, "Comprendre un processus de fusion sous le prisme de la pensée complexe: un éclairage prometteur.", Revue Française de Gestion, April 2021, vol. 297, no. 47, pp. 99-121
THELISSON, A. S., A. MISSONIER, G. GUIEU, L. LUSCHER, "A paradoxical approach symbiotic to postmerger integration: A French longitudinal case study.", European Business Review, July 2019, vol. 2, no. 31, pp. 232-259
Sociology and History of Organizations