MBS School of business


Position Associate Professor
Academic department People & Organizations
Contact b.leligois@Montpellier-BS.com
Selected intellectual contributions

LELIGOIS, B. - "French Culturosity Game. https://lnkd.in/gUZxm_8i" - 2024, Paris

LELIGOIS, B. - ""Don't Be Puzzled," AoMO Art of Management Conference, https://artofmanagement2015.files.wordpress.com/2022/08/book-of-abstracts-aomo2022-1.pdf." - 2022, Liverpool

HOANG (HILLARD), T., B. LELIGOIS - "Fair play finance: online digital game to review corporate and market finance. Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques de Paris (CCMP)." - 2021, France

LELIGOIS, B. - "Vib Hotel: Valuing Time Management ." - 2021

LELIGOIS, B. - "Putting 6-hat color into luxury fashion sense." - 2020, France

LELIGOIS, B. - "Using Global Dexterity to "lux" the world better." - 2018, France

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