MBS School of business


Position Associate Professor
Academic department People & Organizations
Contact j.granata@Montpellier-BS.com
Short Bio

Julien Granata is Full Professor at MBS, which he joined in 2012 after defending a thesis winning the AREA Phd academic distinction. Actually Educational Referent for Professional Training and Junior Enterprise, he has held the positions of Head of the teaching and research department as well as Program Director. He works as a trainer, coach manager or mentor with companies as Ubisoft, Air France, Volkswagen or Banque Populaire du Sud. In 2024, he joined the board of directors of the Professional Federation of PSF Supervisors to develop a research program on care in partnership with the Mind Chair. His research and doctoral thesis supervision focus on organizational innovations in SMEs, whether coopetition, liberation or digital transformation.

Selected intellectual contributions

JUSTY, T., D. LESCOP, E. PELLEGRIN-BOUCHER, J. GRANATA, "Big data, IA, ChatGPT… Dans les PME aussi, la donnée est devenue incontournable", The Conversation, January 2024, vol. January, no. 15, pp. /

JUSTY, T., E. PELLEGRIN-BOUCHER, J. GRANATA, D. LESCOP - "Serait-il étonnant d’exploiter le Big Data dans les PME ? Une étude sur les usages en marketing et en innovation" - 2023, ISTE Editions, London, France

GRANATA, J., "Dimension émotionnelle et monde du travail", Le Monde des Grandes Ecoles & Universités, December 2023, vol. December, no. 20223, pp. //

GRANATA, J., P. MARQUÈS, K. GUNDOLF, "Managing paradoxical tensions in a coopetitive context horizontal multiple-firm coopetition.", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, October 2021, vol. 2, no. 20, pp. 113-137

GRANATA, J., A. JAOUEN - "Management libéré, 7 entreprises dévoilent leurs méthodes : agilité, performance durable et antifragilité." - 2021, Paris, Dunod., France

GRANATA, J., "Construire des sociétés « antifragiles » pour survivre à l’imprévisibilité des crises.", The Conversation, June 2020, no. June 7

GRANATA, J., "Entreprise libérée : les nouveaux rôles des managers.", The Conversation, January 2020, no. J.uary 8

GRANATA, J., "Nouveaux comportements et addictions au travail à l’ère de l’hyperconnexion,", The Conversation, March 2019, no. 2023-03-10

GRANATA, J., F. LASCH, F. LE ROY, L. DANA, "How do micro-firms manage coopetition? A study of the wine sector in France.", International Small Business Journal, October 2018, no. 36, pp. 331-355

GRANATA, J., L. DANA, F. LASCH, A. CARNABY, "The evolution of co-opetition in the Waipara wine cluster of New Zealand.", Wine Economics & Policy, May 2013, no. 2, pp. 42-49

Research themes

Big data, Organizational behavior, Co-operation and alliances, Entrepreneurship, Managerial innovation - Wine and spirits, Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Teaching disciplines

Humanities, Emotional intelligence & relationships management, Personal organisation and development, Psychology, Research methodology

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