MBS School of Business


Position Associate Professor
Academic department People & Organizations
Contact a.waterworth@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

Dr Alec Waterworth is an Associate Professor in Project Management, having joined Montpellier Business School in September 2022. He previously worked as a lecturer and Director of Executive Educations Programmes at the Alliance Manchester Business School, delivering teaching to organisations such as BAE Systems, BP, the UK Department for International Trade, and the NHS. His teaching is focussed on addressing complex organisational challenges across a wide range of sectors and contexts. His research interests include the ongoing clean energy transition (and the role of project management therein) and academic entrepreneurship. Before entering academia, Alec worked in the oil and gas industry as a Quality Assurance Engineer on several multi-billion US$ projects.

Selected intellectual contributions

WATERWORTH, A., C. CARL GAVIN - "Managing Projects" - 2024, Routledge, London, Great Britain

BRADSHAW, M., A. WATERWORTH, "China’s dash for gas: local challenges and global consequences.", Eurasian Geography & Economics, December 2020, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 266-304

WATERWORTH, A., M. BRADSHAW, "Unconventional trade-offs? National oil companies, foreign investment and oil and gas development in Argentina and Brazil.", Energy Policy, November 2018, vol. 122, no. November 2018, pp. 7-16

GÖK, A., A. WATERWORTH, P. SHAPIRA, "Use of web mining in studying innovation.", Scientometrics, January 2015, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 653-671

Research themes

Cohésion d'équipe, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Project management, Social entrepreneurship - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

Teaching disciplines

Management and organisation, Organizations

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