MBS School of Business

SIMON Thomas

SIMON Thomas
Position Assistant Professor
Contact th.simon@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

Dr Thomas SIMON, Assistant Professor in Human Resources Management (HRM), joined MBS in September 2022. He holds a PhD in management science from ESCP Business School and four master's degrees in management science (emlyon business school & Lyon III University), philosophy and modern literature (Paris Nanterre University). Before joining MBS, he was an Adjunct Professor at ESCP Business School (Paris campus).

His research focuses on various subjects at the crossroads of management and the humanities: boredom, absurd situations in the workplace, role-playing and stupidity in organizations. Thomas teaches four courses at MBS: Diversity & HR Management (PGE2), Research Approach & Methods (PGE3), The Dark Side of Organizations (PGE2) and Responsible Management & Team Management Methods (Executive Bachelor).

Selected intellectual contributions

SIMON, T., X. PHILIPPE, "Peut-on comparer les jeunes diplômés déçus par leur premier emploi aux romantiques du XIXᵉ siècle ?", The Conversation, March 2024, vol. March, no. 2024, pp. /

SIMON, T., X. PHILIPPE, "Artisanat : à la recherche des temps perdus ?", The Conversation, June 2024, vol. June, no. 2024, pp. /

SIMON, T., M. CINA, X. PHILIPPE, "Mal du Siècle. From the Disenchanted Youth of the Romantic Age to the Disillusionment of Today’s Young Graduates", M@n@gement, May 2024, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 31-49

SIMON, T., "Faut-il fuir La Défense ?", The Conversation, June 2024, vol. June, no. 2024, pp. /

SIMON, T., "L'artisanat, pied de nez aux défaillances du secteur tertiaire ?", Cadres, October 2024, vol. 502

SIMON, T., "L’ennui au travail est-il tabou ?.", The Conversation, February 2023, vol. February, no. 5, pp. /

SIMON, T., X. PHILIPPE, "The downfalls of team building. When young graduates denounce the absurdities of cohesion seminars.", Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), October 2023, vol. 78, no. October 2023, pp. 99-119

SIMON, T., "Managers, et si vous redécouvriez l’art de la débrouille ?", The Conversation, November 2023, vol. November, no. 2023, pp. /

SIMON, T., X. PHILIPPE, "Du rire aux larmes : quand le team building s’égare", The Conversation, November 2023, vol. November, no. 2023, pp. /

SIMON, T., "Animer une réunion pour bien doser l'ennui des collaborateurs", La Lettre M, August 2023, vol. Août, no. 1, pp. 13

Research themes

Organizational behavior, Culture and society, Humanities, Human resources management

Teaching disciplines

Human Resources, Management research methodology, Organization theory

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