MBS School of Business

SENN Juliette

SENN Juliette
Position Assistant Professor
Academic department Finance & Accounting
Contact j.senn@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

Dr. Juliette Senn is an Assistant Professor at MBS. She holds a PhD in Management Science (Accounting track) from the University of Montpellier and has held a postdoc position at the Universidad de Burgos. Her PhD was awarded the AFC-FNEGE (Association Francophone de Comptabilité) prize in 2019. Her research interests include social and environmental accounting, governance systems and reporting. She is also regularly involved in the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) as a council member.

Selected intellectual contributions

GHIO, A., J. SENN, S. GIORDANO-SPRING, C. H. CHO - "Diversity at the top: Evidence on board composition and representation" - 2024, In Magnan and Michelon (Eds.), Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

FATTOUM, S., J. SENN - "Bee-Ware: Neonicotinoids in the Business of Ignorance" - 2024, The Case Center

SENN, J., A. GRANDAZZI, "Après la thèse, pourquoi faire un postdoctorat ?", The Conversation, March 2023, vol. March, no. 2023, pp. /

SENN, J., A. GRANDAZZI - "“Postdoc or not Postdoc ?” : enquête dans la boîte noire de l’après-thèse." - 2023, In Gaillard, Cloarec, Senn et Grandazzi (Eds.), L'expérience de la thèse en management. Regards croisés de jeunes docteurs. Éditions EMS Gestion en liberté., France

SOBKOWIAK, M., J. SENN, H. VOLLMER, "Rethinking planetary boundaries: accounting for ecological limits", Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, December 2023, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 259-272

SENN, J., M. LUQUE-VÍLCHEZ, C. LARRINAGA, "The role of accounting in the assessment of knowledge production from a multi-stakeholder’s perspective.", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, August 2022, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1033-1059

CHO, C., J. SENN, M. SOBKOWIAK, "Sustainability at stake during COVID-19: Exploring the role of accounting in addressing environmental crises.", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, January 2022, vol. 82, no. January 2022, pp. 102327

MAIRE, S., J. SENN - "La construction et la place des nombres dans le discours public – Le cas de la quantification des victimes." - 2022, In F. Villessèque-Dubus et S. Giordano-Spring (Eds.). Reporting et pilotage des organisations pour une société résiliente. Éditions EMS Gestion en liberté., France

GAILLARD, H., J. CLOAREC, J. SENN, A. GRANDAZZI, "Doctorat : les grandes transformations de la thèse en management ?", The Conversation, December 2021, vol. December, no. 2021, pp. /

LARRINAGA, C., J. SENN - "Norm development in environmental reporting." - 2021, In Bebbington, Larrinaga, O'Dwyer and Thomson (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Environmental Accounting.

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