MBS School of Business


Position Associate Professor
Contact cr.sanchez@Montpellier-BS.com
Short Bio

Dr. Carlos Raúl Sánchez Sánchez, a distinguished Associate Professor in Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Montpellier Business School since September 2014, brings a wealth of experience and expertise spanning over 25 years in various countries, including Spain, Mexico, France, Australia, Costa Rica, Peru, and Canada. His academic journey was further enriched by obtaining a Master's degree in Neuroeducation from the University of Barcelona in 2023, a testament to his commitment to integrating cutting-edge educational practices.


In addition to his PhD in Management and Economics, Dr. Sánchez has held influential positions such as Director of the School of Management and Marketing, MBA and Master Program Coordinator, Head of the Learning Hub, and Course Coordinator for numerous undergraduate and postgraduate programs. His professional endeavours extend beyond academia into consultancy in marketing and entrepreneurship across Spain, Latin America, France, and Australia, collaborating with renowned brands and gaining a deep understanding of diverse business cultures.


A pioneer in educational innovation, Dr. Sánchez has secured several grants for pedagogical innovation projects involving the metaverse and artificial intelligence, positioning him at the forefront of modern teaching methodologies. His qualifications are further complemented by certifications in Lego® Serious Play®, Design Thinking, and Gamification, underscoring his passion for innovative teaching and learning approaches.


Dr. Sánchez's scholarly contributions, including books, chapters, and research articles, focus on entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, learning innovation, and marketing. His work not only enriches academic literature but also provides valuable insights for practical application in these dynamic fields

Selected intellectual contributions

SANCHEZ, C. R., S. GALLIN, A. PORTES - "Using the Multivariate General Linear Model (MANOVA) in SPSS to Identify the Main and Interaction Effects of a Product Description Created by a Human Being Versus Artificial Intelligence" - 2024, SAGE Publications Inc.

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., J. BOYSSELLE, S. DELRE, ""Learning by doing" as a trigger for innovation and frugal behavior of students in internships.", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion), June 2023, vol. 156, no. 1, pp. 309-340

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., D. LEYVA DE LA HIZ, "Les entreprises accordent une attention variable aux différents objectifs de développement durable.", The Conversation, April 2022, vol. April, no. 14, pp. /

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., A. PORTES, S. GALLIN, "La fin des "cookies tiers" ne répond pas au besoin de contrôle des internautes sur leurs données.", The Conversation, April 2022, vol. April, no. 7, pp. /

BOYSSELLE, J., C. SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, S. DELRE, "Innover en période de crise: les étudiants alternants plus Précieux que jamais.", The Conversation, April 2020, vol. Avril, no. 2020, pp. /

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., J. MASSON, F. CELHAY, "Is mianzi the only face of Chinese imported-wine consumers? A typology of Chinese imported-wine consumers.", International Journal of Market Research, May 2017, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 625-654

GURAU, C., A. GILL, L. DANA, C. SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, "Human capital, financial strategy and small firm performance: A study of Canadian entrepreneurs.", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, April 2017, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 492-513

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., "Le « mianzi » est-il toujours au cœur de la consommation de vin importé en Chine ?", The Conversation, June 2017, vol. June, no. 2017, pp. /

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., A. GREGOIRE, C. DOS SANTOS, "Eléments pour une approche client dans un service medico-social.", Eléments pour une approche client dans un service medico-social. EMPAN., March 2017, vol. March, no. 2017, pp. /

BOYSSELLE, J., C. SANCHEZ SANCHEZ - "Qualitative evaluation of the influence of two different cultures, Mexican and French, on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perceptions in organic and Fairtrade food industry" - 2016, In Molina Sánchez R. (Ed.), Las Mipymes y su competitividad sustentable: reto ante un nuevo ordenamiento económico Munidal. Editorial AIREPME.

Research themes

Artificial intelligence, Business model, Creativity methods, Design thinking, Entrepreneurship, Innovation methods, Social entrepreneurship

Teaching disciplines

Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Creativity and problem-solving methods

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