MBS School of Business

LIU Yaoqi

Position Associate Professor
Academic department Operations, Information, & Decisions
Contact yq.liu@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

Dr. Yaoqi Liu is currently an associate professor in the department of Operations, information and decisions at Montpellier Business School (MBS). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Management from South China University of Technology, China. He was awarded the top award for doctoral students in China--National Scholarship in 2018. He also served as a research assistant in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for three months, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for one year. His research interests are in the fields of global supply chain management, fintech, behavioral operation decision. Some of his research articles have appeared in Production and Operations Management(POM), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (TRE), International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Information and Management(IM).

Selected intellectual contributions

XU, D., F. WANG, X. ZHUO, Y. LIU, "The performance of gouvernment subsidy schemes in a comptitive vaccine market considering consumers' free-riding behavior.", International Journal of Production Economics, February 2024, vol. 268, no. February 2024, pp. 109122

LI, L., Y. TONG, Y. LIU, S. YANG, "Artificial intelligence-enabled customer value proposition capability and market performance: The moderating role of environmental heterogeneity", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, March 2024, vol. 71, no. March 24, pp. 5588-5599

LI, L., L. CHEN, Y. LIU, "Digital governance for supplier opportunism: The mediating role of supplier transparency", International Journal of Production Economics, September 2024, vol. 275, no. September 2024, pp. 109351

LI, L., Y. LIU, Y. JIN, T. C. E. CHENG, Q. ZHANG, "Generative AI-enabled supply chain management: The critical role of coordination and dynamism", International Journal of Production Economics, November 2024, vol. 277, no. November 2024, pp. 109388

LI, L., L. CHEN, Y. LIU, "Generative AI usage and sustainable supply chain performance: A practice-based view", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, December 2024, vol. 192, no. December 2024, pp. 103761

LI, L., S. X. XU, Y. NING, Y. LIU, S. YANG, "How should companies deploy their digital supply chain platforms to gain competitive advantages? An asset orchestration perspective.", Information and Management, September 2023, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 103842

NIU, B., Z. SHEN, F. XIE, Y. LIU, X. XU, "Real-time payment in cross-border operations considering local competition and tax-planning.", International Journal of Production Economics, March 2022, vol. 245, no. March 2022, pp. 108395

NIU, B., Z. DAI, Y. LIU, Y. JIN, "The role of physical internet in building trackable and sustainable logistics service supply chains: A game analysis", International Journal of Production Economics, May 2022, vol. 247, no. May 2022, pp. 108438

WANG, F., D. XU, X. ZHUO, C. ZHANG, Y. LIU, "Improving consumer welfare in vaccine market: Pricing, government subsidies and consumer awareness.", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, November 2022, vol. 167, no. November 2022, pp. 102913

NIU, B., J. DONG, Z. DAI, Y. LIU, "Sales data sharing to improve product development efficiency in cross-border e-commerce.", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, January 2022, vol. 51, no. January - February 2022, pp. 101112

Research themes

Business model, Operations management, Purchasing, Supply chain, transport, logistics, Game and decision theory, Tax

Teaching disciplines

Logistics, transport(s) and operations management

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