Montpellier Business School

JAECK Mélanie

JAECK Mélanie
Position Associate Professor
Academic department People & Organizations
Short Bio

Mélanie Jaeck has been an associate professor at MBS since 2010, after obtaining a PhD in economics (specializing in environmental economics). Her research focuses on the strategic commitment of organizations to corporate social responsibility, and the associated legitimacy issues and tensions/paradoxes, particularly in relation to diversity and inclusion strategic policies.  She is interested in inclusive management, the articulation between uniqueness, sharing and the sense of belonging within a collective, the renewal of modes of governance, alternative organizations, etc...

She is co-holder of the "Inclusive Management and Societal Commitment (MIND)" Chaire, and is committed within MBS to bringing the school's diversity and inclusion policy to life, putting her expertise to good use in projects on these themes, such as the co-construction of the Mixity Campus tool, or the steering of the Diversity & Inclusion Observatory.

She teaches these topics in initial training (Bachelor's degree, Grande Ecole program) and executive education (EMBA, short courses, customized training), offering modules in both management fundamentals and soft skills. She is in charge of the Diversity & Inclusive Management track, attached to the MIND Chaire, for students in the Master's program specializing in HR management.

She has presented her research at various conferences (Academy of Management (AOM) annual meeting, EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) colloquium, Congress of the Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD), etc.) and published in national and international scientific journals (Group & Organization Management, Management International, Journal of Marketing Management, Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de Gestion des Organisations, Revue Internationale PME, etc.).

Selected intellectual contributions

JAECK, M., M. MARAIS, M. MEYER, C. JOLY, "A proposed framework for Inclusive Business Schools.", Futures, April 2023, vol. 148, no. April 2023, pp. 103122

JAECK, M., C. JOLY, M. MARAIS, M. MEYER, "3 piliers pour rendre les Grandes Ecoles de management inclusives", Carenews Le média des acteurs de l'engagement, March 2023

JAECK, M., M. MEYER - "Mesurer la diversité et l'inclusion dans les organisations. Enjeux et pratiques." - 2023, Montpellier, France

JAOUEN, A., M. JAECK, C. JOLY, M. E. KESSARI, "Les magasins de producteurs : vers un renouveau de l’action collective des PME agricoles.", Revue Internationale PME, December 2020, vol. 33, no. 3/4, pp. 261-296

MEYER, M., C. JOLY, M. JAECK, M. MARAIS, "Entre mission et Marché : La diversité, enjeu stratégique des grandes écoles de management françaises ?", Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, December 2020, vol. 66, no. 26, pp. 91-114

KESSARI, M. E., C. JOLY, A. JAOUEN, M. JAECK, "Alternative food networks: good practices for sustainable performance", Journal of Marketing Management, November 2020, vol. 36, no. 15/16, pp. 1417-1446

MARAIS, M., C. JOLY, M. MEYER, M. JAECK, M. E. KESSARI, M. ANDIAPPAN, L. DUFOUR, "Legitimizing a diversity policy in a challenging environment: A case study of a French business school.", Management International, April 2020, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 56-71

JOLY, C., M. MEYER, M. JAECK - "L’Oréal : une politique Diversité et Inclusion de toute(s) beauté(s). Centrale des Cas et des Medias Pédagogiques de Paris (CCMP)." - 2019, France

JAECK, M., M. MARAIS, C. JOLY, L. PREUSS, "Navigating the Moral-Economic Paradox of Diversity Management: Plurality of Stakeholder Perceptions and Coping Strategies." Forthcoming Group and Organization Management

JAECK, M., "Mesurer la diversité et l’inclusion dans les organisations : enjeux et pratiques", Carenews Le média des acteurs de l'engagement,

Research themes

Human Rights, Diversity, Inclusion, Safety, Well-being, Diversity and team management, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Sustainable strategy and business model - Education

Teaching disciplines

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Softskills

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