MBS School of Business


Position Full Professor
Academic department Marketing, Sales, & Branding
Contact f.celhay@Montpellier-BS.com
Short Bio

Dr. Franck Celhay, Full Professor at Montpellier Business School holds a doctorate in Marketing from Bordeaux University and a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design from ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques. His main research interests lie at the intersection of graphic design, semiotics and visual branding. His work is published in leading academic journals, such as Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, International Journal of Design, among others. Franck teaches Graphic Design for Branding on the Master in Management and on the MSc in Marketing. He has been a recipient of the AFM - Association Française du Marketing - Pedagogical Innovation Award, of the FNEGE - Fondation Nationale de l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises - Junior Professor Award, and of the Design United Research Fellow grant. 

Selected intellectual contributions

MISSONIER, A., F. CELHAY - "Transmissions d’entreprises familiales et évolution des représentations genrées dans la presse" - 2025, Rennes, France

CELHAY, F., A. PORTES, A. MISSONIER - "Is Basketball a Fight or an Art? Metaphorical Brand Names and Differentiation Strategies in the NBA" - 2024, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, San Diego, United States of America

MISSONIER, A., C. CONSTANTINIDIS , F. CELHAY - "A Game of Thrones? An Examination of Family Business Metaphors in the French Business Press and Their Implications for Gender Equality. FERC - Family Enterprise Research Conference" - 2024, Portland, United States of America

CELHAY, F., A. PORTES - "A new logo for the Brooklyn Nets? Delving into the semiotics of NBA logos" - 2024, Sage Business Case, London, Great Britain

PECOT, F., F. CELHAY, M. KACHA, L. GAUTIER, "Expressions of the past: A practice-based approach of brand longevity visual translation in advertising.", Journal of Business Research, November 2022, vol. 150, no. November 2022, pp. 121-133

CELHAY, F., L. MAGNIER, J. SCOORMANS, "Hip and authentic. Defining Neo-Retro Style in package design.", International Journal of Design., April 2020, vol. April, no. 2020, pp. /

CELHAY, F., P. CHENG, J. MASSON, W. LI, "Package graphic design and communication across cultures: An investigation of Chinese consumers' interpretation of imported wine labels.", International Journal of Research in Marketing, July 2020, vol. 1, no. 37, pp. 108-128

FAVIER, M., F. CELHAY, G. PANTIN SOHIER, "Is less more or a bore? Package design simplicity and brand perception: an application to Champagne.", Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, September 2019, vol. 46, no. September, pp. 11-20

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., J. MASSON, F. CELHAY, "Is mianzi the only face of Chinese imported-wine consumers? A typology of Chinese imported-wine consumers.", International Journal of Market Research, May 2017, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 625-654

CELHAY, F., S. DELRE, L. MAGNIER - "How to use factorial ANOVA to compare the main and the interaction effects of 2 packages variables on consumer attitude." - 2023

Research themes

Marketing, Corporate communication, Advertising - Wine and spirits

Teaching disciplines

Marketing, Digital tools

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