MBS School of Business


Position Associate Professor
Academic department Marketing, Sales, & Branding
Contact f.bartsch@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

His research interests include cross-cultural consumer behavior, global branding, and global consumer culture(s). He serves as associate editor of the International Marketing Review and has published work in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, and Journal of Business Research. Among others, his work was awarded the Hans B. Thorelli Award for long-term impact in International Marketing, the Susan P. Douglas Award for the best EMAC paper in International Marketing, and recognition as a significant contributor to the International Marketing Review as an author and reviewer.

Selected intellectual contributions

BARTSCH, F., F. PANTOJA - "The Perfect Blend? Strategic Licensing Between Starbucks and Nestlé. Sage Business Case." - 2024, Montpellier, France

OSBURG, V.-S., V. YOGANATHAN, F. BARTSCH, M. F. DIALLO, H. LIU, "How sustainable luxury influences product value perceptions and behavioral intentions: A comparative study of emerging vs. developed markets", Journal of Business Ethics, May 2024, vol. 191, no. May 2024, pp. 713-738

SCHNACK, A., F. BARTSCH, V.-S. OSBURG, A. ERRMAN, "Sustainable agricultural technologies of the future: Determination of adoption readiness for different consumer groups", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, November 2024, vol. 208, no. November 2024, pp. 123697

PANTOJA, F., F. BARTSCH - "Same same, but different: The Strategic Positioning of Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3" - 2024, Sage Business Case, London, France

TRAN, T. T. H., F. BARTSCH, "Consumers’ Responses to Moral Transgressions in the Fashion Industry: Comparative Insights from Western Developed and Southeast Asian Emerging Markets" Forthcoming Journal of Business Ethics

BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, T. KRÜGER, K. A. KIM, C. M. HAN, "Consumer animosity: The mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness.", International Marketing Review, April 2023, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 365-384

MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, "Are brands re-evaluated when consumers learn about brand origin misperceptions? Outcomes, processes, and contingent effects.", Journal of Business Research, September 2023, vol. 164, no. September 2023, pp. 113941

GRÄVE, J. F., F. BARTSCH, "#Instafame: Exploring the endorsement effectiveness of influencers compared to celebrities.", International Journal of Advertising, May 2022, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 591-622

BARTSCH, F., K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, C. KATSIKEAS, "Consumer authenticity seeking: Conceptualization, measurement, and contingent effects.", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, March 2022, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 296-323

MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, C. HAN, "Brand credibility and marketplace globalization: The role of perceived brand globalness and localness.", Journal of International Business Studies, October 2021, vol. 52, no. October 2021, pp. 1559–1590

Research themes

International marketing, Marketing

Teaching disciplines

Marketing, Analytics and Data Science

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