MBS School of Business


Position Associate Professor
Contact i.laguir@Montpellier-BS.com
Selected intellectual contributions

SHAYGANMEHR, M., S. GUPTA, I. LAGUIR, R. STEKELORUM, A. KUMAR, "Assessing the role of industry 4.0 for enhancing swift trust and coordination in huM.tarian supply chain.", Annals of Operations Research, April 2024, vol. 335, no. April 2024, pp. 1053-1085

LAGUIR, I., T. CHOI, R. STEKELORUM, S. GUPTA, A. KUMAR, "Roles of mobilized controls and environmental uncertainty on supply chain resilience: an empirical study from dynamic-capabilities-view and levers-of-control perspectives", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, January 2024, vol. 71, no. January 24, pp. 2296-2309

LAGUIR, I., A. LOPÈS DE SOUSA, R. STEKELORUM, B. M. R. P. SELES, "Uncovering the hidden factors of resilience: supply chain ecocentricity exploitation and exploration.", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, June 2024, vol. 71, no. June 2024, pp. 10455-10468

LAGUIR, I., R. STEKELORUM, B. AYTAC, O. MOUADILI , E. SEGBOTANGNI, "Eco-control systems and firm performance : Understanding the mediating role of circular economy practices and the moderating role of environmental uncertainty", Journal of Cleaner Production, April 2024, vol. 450, no. April 2024, pp. 141894

AYTAC MANDOU, B., I. LAGUIR, R. STEKELORUM, O. MOUADILI , E. SEGBOTANGNI, "Eco-control systems and firm performance : Understanding the mediating role of circular economy practices and the moderating role of environmental uncertainty", Journal of Cleaner Production, April 2024, vol. 450, no. April 2024, pp. 141894

EL SHOUBAKI, A., I. LAGUIR, M. DEN BESTEN, "Human capital and SME growth: The mediating role of reasons to start a business.", Small Business Economics, November 2020, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1107-1121

STEKERLORUM, R., I. LAGUIR, "Take a ride on the green side: from sustainable customer orientation to good supply chains." Forthcoming Production Planning & Control

LAGUIR, I., S. MODGIL, I. BOSE, S. GUPTA, R. STEKELORUM, "Performance effects of analytics capability, disruption orientation, and resilience in the supply chain under environmental uncertainty." Forthcoming Annals of Operations Research

LAGUIR, I., X. EXTERNE1, X. EXTERNE2, X. EXTERNE3, X. EXTERNE4, "Analytics capabilities and organizational competitiveness: Unveiling the impact of management control systems and environmental uncertainty.", Decision Support Systems, January 2022, no. Decision Support Systems

EXTERNE1, X., X. EXTERNE2, I. LAGUIR, X. EXTERNE3, X. EXTERNE4, "Pouring cement down one of your oil wells: Relationship between the supply chain disruption orientation and performance.", Production & Operations Management, March 2022, no. Production and Operations Management

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