Position | Full Professor |
Academic department | Strategy & Entrepreneurship |
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Dr. Frank Lasch is Full Professor in Entrepreneurship at Montpellier Business School where he chairs the scientific committee. He holds a joint PhD from U. Regensburg, Germany & U. Montpellier, France (2002) and a French habilitation of supervising doctoral research in Management science (2007, “HDR”, U. Montpellier). He supervises a chair and a program on 'Innovation, context and entrepreneurial outcomes' (LabEx Entrepreneurship; U. Montpellier). Since 2012, he is an academic coordinator of the annual 'Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research' and co-leads the Global Entrepreneurship French national team. Major topics of research are regional entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurship, micro-firms, inter-firm cooperation, coopetition, types of entrepreneurs, antecedents and outcomes of entrepreneurship, entry modes of entrepreneurship, copreneurship and entrepreneurial well-being. His research has been published in a variety of journals including Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Industrial and Corporate Change, Small Business Economics, International Small Business Journal, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Management Decision, etc. In 2009, one of his articles in ETP received a most cited paper award. He currently serves as consulting editor for the International Small Business Journal.
LASCH, F., M. GNAD, H. STEINMETZ, A. MORITZ, J. BLOCK, "Contextual predictors of social and ecological considerations in entrepreneurship: A country-level explorative machine learning approach", Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, March 2024, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 121-150
LASCH, F., K. MESSEGHEM, J. VALETTE, S. CASANOVA, J. M. COURRENT, W. NAKARA, S. SAMMUT, A. R. THURIK, O. TORRÈS - "Situation de l’activité entrepreneuriale en France : Rapport 2023/2024 du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" - 2024, Montpellier, Labex Entreprendre, France
LASCH, F., K. MESSEGHEM, J. VALETTE, S. CASANOVA, J. M. COURRENT, W. NAKARA, S. SAMMUT, A. R. THURIK, O. OLIVIER TORRÉS - "Entrepreneurial activity in France: Report 2022/2023 of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" - 2024, Montpellier, France
LASCH, F., K. MESSEGHEM, J. VALETTE, S. CASANOVA, J. M. COURRENT, W. NAKARA, S. SAMMUT, A. R. THURIK, O. OLIVIER TORRÉS - "Entrepreneurial activity in France: Report 2023/2024 of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" - 2024, Montpellier, France
MESSEGHEM, K., F. LASCH, J. VALETTE, "La culture entrepreneuriale est-elle vraiment plus développée ailleurs qu'en France ?", The Conversation, January 2023, vol. January 2, no. /, pp. /
DEMIR, C., M. STEPHAN, F. LASCH, A. VOSSEN, A. WERNER, "Psychological well-being of hybrid entrepreneurs: A replication and extension study using German panel data.", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, November 2023, vol. 20, no. November 2023, pp. e00419
LASCH, F., K. MESSEGHEM, J. VALETTE - "GEM European Regional Report - The French economy and its regions" - 2023, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, London, Great Britain
TORRÈS, O., C. FISCH, J. MUKERJEE, F. LASCH, R. THURIK, "Health perception of French SME owners during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.", International Review of Entrepreneurship, July 2021, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 151-168
XI, G., J. BLOCK, F. LASCH, F. ROBERT, R. THURIK, "The survival of business takeovers and new venture start-ups.", Industrial & Corporate Change, October 2020
GRANATA, J., F. LASCH, F. LE ROY, L. DANA, "How do micro-firms manage coopetition? A study of the wine sector in France.", International Small Business Journal, October 2018, no. 36, pp. 331-355
regional entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurship, micro-firms, inter-firm cooperation, coopetition, types of entrepreneurs, antecedents and outcomes of entrepreneurship, entry modes of entrepreneurship, copreneurship and entrepreneurial well-bein
Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship