MBS School of Business


Position Full Professor
Academic department Operations, Information, & Decisions
Contact d.lescop@montpellier-bs.com
Selected intellectual contributions

JUSTY, T., D. LESCOP, E. PELLEGRIN-BOUCHER, J. GRANATA, "Big data, IA, ChatGPT… Dans les PME aussi, la donnée est devenue incontournable", The Conversation, January 2024, vol. January, no. 15, pp. /

JUSTY, T., E. PELLEGRIN-BOUCHER, J. GRANATA, D. LESCOP - "Serait-il étonnant d’exploiter le Big Data dans les PME ? Une étude sur les usages en marketing et en innovation" - 2023, ISTE Editions, London, France

KEEN, C., D. LESCOP, V. SANCHEZ-FAMOSO, "Does coopetition support SMEs in turbulent contexts?", Economics Letters, July 2022, vol. 110762, no. 218

ISCKIA, T., M. DE REUVER, D. LESCOP, "Orchestrating platform ecosystems: The interplay of innovation and business development subsystems.", Innovations: Revue d'Économie & de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, March 2020, vol. 2, no. 32, pp. 197-223

LESCOP, D., E. LESCOP, "The Apple Twist.", Communications & Strategies, May 2016, no. 102

THIERRY, I., D. LESCOP, "Strategizing in platform-based ecosystems: Leveraging core processes for continuous innovation.", Communications & Strategies, March 2015, no. 99

JUSTY, T., E. PELLEGRIN-BOUCHER, D. LESCOP, J. GRANATA, S. GUPTA, "On the edge of Big Data: Drivers and barriers to data analytics adoption in SMEs." Forthcoming Technovation

BRUNEL, A., D. LESCOP - "Régulation et gestion du spectre hertzien: orgA.ation et perspectives." - 2015, France

LESCOP, D., C. KEEN, V. SANCHEZ-FAMOSO, "Effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the international performance of small and mediumsized enterprises in emerging economies: the moderating role of resilience", Applied Economics Letters,

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