MBS School of Business

GALLIN Steffie

GALLIN Steffie
Position Assistant Professor
Academic department Marketing, Sales, & Branding
Contact s.gallin@montpellier-bs.com
Short Bio

As an Assistant Professor at Montpellier Business School since 2021, I teach/taught various courses related to Marketing: Strategic Marketing, Responsible Marketing Mix, and Research in Marketing & Sales. I hold a PhD in Management Sciences (University of Montpellier, 2017) and some of my research works were awarded: Best Paper Award during the day of Food Industry in Montpellier (2016) & Best Doctoral Research in Digital Marketing Award in Nantes (Audencia Business School, 2018). My research works focus on online communities, eating behaviors, social influence, and more recently artificial intelligence & recommender systems. I have published in academic journals such as Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Décisions Marketing, or Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Selected intellectual contributions

GALLIN, S., L. BALBO, M. C. LICHTLÉ, "Quand le soutien social permet d’accroitre l’auto-efficacité alimentaire : une application aux communautés en ligne de perte de poids / Promoting dietary self-efficacy through social support: an application to online weight-loss communities.", Recherche et Application en Marketing, January 2024, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 9-39

SANCHEZ, C. R., S. GALLIN, A. PORTES - "Using the Multivariate General Linear Model (MANOVA) in SPSS to Identify the Main and Interaction Effects of a Product Description Created by a Human Being Versus Artificial Intelligence" - 2024, SAGE Publications Inc.

GALLIN, S. - "Immoturbo : comment repenser le marketing mix dans un secteur immobilier toujours plus local, personnalisé, digitalisé, virtualisé ? Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)" - 2024, Paris

GALLIN, S. - "Immoturbo: how to redesign the marketing mix in an increasingly local, personalised, digitalised and virtualised property sector? Centrale de Cas et de Médias Péagogiques (CCMP)" - 2024, Paris

GALLIN, S., A. PORTES, "Online shopping: how can algorithm performance expectancy enhance impulse buying?", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, November 2024, vol. 81, no. November 2024, pp. 103988

SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, C., A. PORTES, S. GALLIN, "La fin des "cookies tiers" ne répond pas au besoin de contrôle des internautes sur leurs données.", The Conversation, April 2022, vol. April, no. 7, pp. /

GALLIN, S., M. C. LICHTLÉ, L. BALBO - ""Manger ensemble" grâce à Internet : le cas des communautés en ligne de soutien à la perte de poids" - 2022, In Séré De Lanauze G. (Ed.), Manger ensemble : évolutions sociales de l'alimentation, Iste Editions.

GOURMELEN, A., M. C. LICHTLÉ, L. BALBO, S. GALLIN - ""Manger ensemble" : avec ou sans les contraintes alimentaires des autres ?" - 2022, In Séré De Lanauze G. (Ed.), Manger ensemble : évolutions sociales de l'alimentation, Iste Editions.

GALLIN, S., M. C. LICHTLÉ, L. BALBO - ""Eating together" through the Internet : the case of online weight loss support communities" - 2022, In Séré De Lanauze G. (Ed.), Evolution of social ties around new food practices, Iste Editions.

GOURMELEN, A., M. C. LICHTLÉ, L. BALBO, S. GALLIN - "Eating together": with or without the dietary constraints of others" - 2022, In Séré De Lanauze G. (Ed.), Evolution of social ties around new food practices, Iste Editions.

Research themes

Marketing, Artificial intelligence, Digital sales, Marketing digital - Food Industry

Teaching disciplines


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